Monday, October 21, 2013

Weighing heavily on my mind.

I need to share that I encapsulate placentas because I have a deep concern for mamas during their postpartum period. It can be a very difficult time of transition, and I believe placenta consumption can be a real benefit for the entire family's well being. I'm not only concerned with mamas. I'm also concerned for the well being of their new babies -- tiny, helpless little human beings that depend solely on their families' care to survive. And while I want mamas and daddies and families to have as easy a time as possible, I also want BABIES themselves to have a peaceful, calm, secure start at life -- a life that is separate and autonomous, yet still relies fully on mama's care. That is why I'm including this information here -- to educate families on how they can best care for and protect themselves and their children from unnecessary trauma that can very seriously damage the postpartum period for the entire family, and can have significant lifelong implications for their babies.

Please, take thirty minutes to watch this video about genital cutting. Ryan is an absolutely fantastic speaker and is a biophysics researcher at Georgetown:

Take advantage of local groups supportive of instinctual parenting and birth:

Arm yourself with knowledge. Educate yourself and protect your children from harm. You are here researching placentophagy for an easier postpartum for you; give your baby an easy postpartum, too.

Plastibell circumcision:

Gomco circumcision:

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